Norway has recently announced that it will ban the sale of all fossil fuel cars by 2025, an example of how quickly eco-friendly, electric cars have seeped into the mainstream. This appears to be another nail in the coffin for the traditional petrol-fuelled automobile but before we panic, the news of the petrol tank’s death is greatly exaggerated, and here’s why:
While an electric car is said to be considerably cheaper to run than one operated on fuel, the initial outlay when purchasing an electric vehicle is significantly higher than that of its gasoline counterpart. Unsurprisingly, this is enough to scare many people off. Combine the earlier points of scepticism with a high purchase price and for many, an electric car will not seem worth it.
Slow transitions
Even if electric cars as posed as being better, it is unlikely for petrol cars to be eradicated overnight, simply because many people will not trade in their current motor. This simple detail alone means fuel cars will remain in use for at least a few more generations. With 1.2 billion cars on the planet - even if manufacturers all stopped producing fuel-using cars tomorrow, the resale market would stay alive and the demand worldwide to keep these cars going would mean fuel would still dominate as the main source of car energy!
Imperfect alternatives
Despite the hype around electric cars, they have a lot of flaws that stop them dominating the market. For example, there is still no feasible electric alternative to the good old tractor, with all proposed alternatives lacking necessary power. Examples like this show that while electric cars have the potential to be revolutionary, there is still much work to be done across other vehicle types.
Behaviour shift
For some people long charge times compared to time taken to traditionally refuel will also be a turn off. The electric alternative to the classic petrol fuelled car can take an average of about 8 hours to charge. This means it would have to be done overnight, almost like charging your mobile! For many, this shift in routine would seem too alien to get used to.
There is still plenty of pessimism about electric cars. While some are excited for people like Elon Musk (engineer and inventor who’s business, Tesla, sells electric vehicle components), and for many the fuel car will do them just fine. Populations are notoriously sceptical about technological revolutions, and this will undoubtedly be the same for cars. Even now, some feel the electric car is inferior; the silent engines and modern designs in stark contrast to the purring machines we’ve always known.
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