With our research revealing that more than half of Brits are guilty of some bad and sometimes illegal and dangerous driving habits (52%), we have compiled a list of the top types of drivers you’re likely to encounter on the nation’s roads. Do any sound familiar?
1. The rule follower – the study revealed that a whopping 52% of the nation’s drivers claim to stick to the rules of the roads. These drivers don’t deviate from the speed limit and safety is their top priority – it’s not worth risking a run-in with the law after all.
2. The rager – with 38% of Brits claiming to get frustrated with other drivers, it’s not surprising that 1 in 10 would describe themselves as “a rager” when they’re behind the wheel. These individuals are prone to getting a little hot-headed and when other drivers make their blood boil, they cannot help but see red.
3. The karaoke queen (or king) – apparently us Brits don’t just love to sing in the shower, we can also be found belting out a ballad when we’re in the driving seat too. 10% of us claim to be a karaoke king or queen, with women being the most likely to flex their vocal chords while driving (16%). Move over Mariah; you have nothing on us.
4. The rule breaker – despite more than half of us claiming to be guilty of bad driving habits, only 7% of drivers would describe themselves as a rule breaker when they are on the road.
5. The speed demon – surprisingly, only 7% of people admit to getting a little fast and furious when they’re behind the wheel. There’s nothing these drivers love more than getting out on the open road, putting their foot to the floor and feeling the wind in their hair.
6. The backseat driver – with the study revealing that 27% of Brits claim to be the best driver they know, it’s no shock to find out that 6% of us admit to doing a little backseat driving. These individuals don’t mind giving a little gentle “encouragement” or a few firmer pointers here and there. They’re only helping, right?!
7. The juggler – few Brits claim to be this type of driver, possibly because it is dangerous. But, 3% claim to be the master of multi-tasking while driving. You’ll spot them applying their make-up, arranging their social lives and doing their best Whitney Houston impression while they’re getting where they need to be.
But which type are you? Find out by using our fun interactive online calculator, which generates your individual driving statistics since you got your license and identifies your driving persona. Try out the calcualtor.